Church Activities - Bell Ringing
St Botolph’s church has ten bells. We are very short of ringers in our band and would give a very warm welcome to any new ringers in our area, or any lapsed ringers who would like to ring with us, or indeed anyone who would like to take up church bellringing.
The bells and frame were completely refurbished in the Jubilee Bell Restoration Project in the first two months of 2004. Since then the bell frame has been completely cleaned, repainted and some minor adjustments made o the satisfaction of John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough, Bell Hangers. As a result the handling and tone of the bells are now excellent and are the only ring of 10 bells in the Rugby Deanery.
We heartily welcome visits from ringers both at our normal ringing times; it is wise to check for the date you intend to visit. We also welcome visiting bands by prior arrangement with the tower captain.
Normal Ringing Times
Sunday Services : There is no longer regular ringing for Sunday services but we try to ring when we know we have at least 5 ringers available. However if someone wants to join us and knows in advance they are going to be in the area they need to contact John Slack 01788 570899 or Val Foster 01788 814489 to see if this can be arranged.
The Bells:
Please Click here to view the specifications of each of the bells.
We are always pleased to receive comments about any aspect of our bells or our ringing. Please send them to the Vicar.
Requests to Ring the Bells : Any request for use of the bells by visiting bands needs to be through contact with either John Slack (01788 570899) or Val Foster (01788 814489).
Click on this text to see details of our Jubilee Bell Restoration Project